Friday, May 31, 2013


Teddy loved the extra attention that he got from Grandma Shellie.  He even had a special noise that he would do just for Grandma, he would move his arms up and down really quick while huffing.  He doesn't do it any more now that we are home.

He also discovered that sitting up is a lof of fun. 

Most of our pictures were taken by Ella, good that she documented something.  Grandma Shellie is going to send us some of hers.

We did manage to take one really good one though.  We had to entertain Teddy at the beach, he was not a fan of the wind and waves.  We had a great time!
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

We're back

I'll post more about our adventures soon. We had so much fun.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Teddy rolled over for the first time yesterday. From front to back.